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[Music+Video] Supo Olageshin By Ireoluwa

Prepare to be uplifted by the soul-stirring melodies and powerful lyrics of 'Ireoluwa,' the latest gospel sensation by Supo Olageshin.

Prepare to be uplifted by the soul-stirring melodies and powerful lyrics of ‘Ireoluwa,’ the latest gospel sensation by Supo Olageshin. This remarkable musical offering transcends boundaries, inviting listeners on a journey of faith, hope, and divine inspiration. Through its captivating rhythm and heartfelt message, ‘Ireoluwa’ is destined to touch hearts and elevate spirits, reaffirming the timeless beauty and grace of gospel music. Join us as we embrace this transformative musical experience that celebrates the essence of divine blessings and grace.

Streaming Link: https://linktr.ee/supoolageshin

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Olasupo Olageshin is a career-driven, brilliant, calm and collected personality who has served his father’s land diligently for over 40 years both with the government as well as the private sector. He has also not lagged behind in his service to God as a Christian, and humanity.

Born in the city of Lagos, the economic capital of Nigeria to the family of Alhaji Ganiyu Olawale Olageshin and Mrs. Christiana Adebisi Olageshin, ‘Supo Olageshin (as he’s fondly called), hails from the ancient city of Abeokuta in Ogun State of Nigeria. He’s fond of saying “I am proudly Egba”. ‘Supo attended Egba Owode Grammar School, in Obafemi Owode LGA, Ogun State where he was active in the drama as well as literary and debating activities, representing the school and winning various laurels. He grew to be the Senior Prefect of his 1976 – 1986 set of the school. He had his A’ Levels at the Federal School of Arts and Science (FEDSAS) in Victoria Island, Lagos and later proceeded to the University of Lagos, Akoka Lagos for his tertiary education.

This great multitalented personality has always confessed his love for music at an early age of his life and started writing good songs which are many in his archives from when he got saved in 1989, and joined a very vibrant Christian Fellowship in Abeokuta called Jesus Joint. He was greatly influenced by a friend he met at the fellowship, now Dr. Akinsola Taiwo (popularly referred to as ‘Akin. T’) who was one of the leaders of Jesus Joint.  Akin.T was always writing songs then, most of which were used for praise and worship in the fellowship. This inspired most other members of the fellowship, including ‘Supo who suddenly discovered that they could also write beautiful songs.

‘Supo is a Christian by faith, well brought up and nurtured in an upright cultural value system of the Yoruba, and is currently a Minister in the Ever-Increasing Word Ministries, a.k.a Rhema Chapel International Churches, under the Apostolic Oversight of Reverend George Olawale Adegboye. He currently serves at the National Headquarters of the church in Yaba, Lagos.

Happily married and blessed with wonderful children and grandchildren. ‘Supo loves to read, sing and his best recreative sport is Lawn Tennis which he confessed work has not allowed him to play as much as he would love to, but would have enough time now that he has officially retired from active service. He is also a passionate teacher of the Word, and a certified marriage counsellor. He also delights in giving counsel to the youths and always offers a helping hand and counsel to those who need it.

‘Supo Olageshin is very passionate about Nigeria and hopes to see his country become better as well as see the World at large dwell in peace and harmony. One thing you can’t miss from ‘Supo’s utterances is the statement “Father, I thank you”

Therefore in his passion to the service of God and purpose, as well as to mark his 60th birthday anniversary and retirement from active service, ‘Supo Olageshin, decided to rejuvenate his long abandoned passion in music by releasing his debut track titled “IREOLUWA” Produced by the Music Icon “YemyTpx

which is present on YouTube and all digital music platforms across the world.


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