

SCHOOL OF MUSIC :::: SONGI have a few very important messages to pass to all emerging Artistes. This message has become necessary at this moment because I notice that most of you young Artistes are guilty of what I am about to share with you.

A lot of you don’t understand the value of relationship, you don’t know how powerful relationship is and what you can get freely through relationships.

Most of you send or receive a friend request from somebody, next thing you send your song link inbox to the person to download with no message to it. No hellos, no greetings, just a random song link for download. This is so so wrong. You will repel more people than gaining friends and followers using this approach. Someone who just became your friend on Facebook doesn’t know you. The primary reason for social media is to socialize, not for marketing, buying and selling as it were.

Yes I know very well that social media has become a global market where we buy and sell and market our brands. I sell and market my brand here too, I have clients, students and mentees who signed up for my SCHOOL OF MUSIC COACHING AND MENTORSHIP PROGRAM but the best and surest way to get people to buy and support your market or brand is to socialize first. It is wrong to just meet people and start bombarding them with your products and songs links to download without first having a conversation at least with the individual to get to know yourselves. What you are doing is called SPAMMING and it is against social media etiquette.

Please build relationship first before pushing your market to people. Don’t give people the impression that you are selfish. Don’t give people the impression that the reason you sent them friend request or accept one is because you want them to download your songs. Genuinely build relationships with people here, connect with people and in the process let them know what you do and they will be the ones requesting links to your songs. Relationship gives you loyal followers who will promote and support you and your brand.

Next thing I want to talk about is to encourage you to help Promote other Artistes work on your platforms. Download other Artistes songs. Don’t just share the art work and links but also download their songs. Do unto others what you would love them do to you. If you are ministering in an album launch, make plans to also launch the Album no matter the amount you can afford. It is a seed you are sowing and also building strong relationship.

Finally, and this one is very very important, build mentorship relationship. Most of you young Artistes don’t have a mentor. I don’t mean mentors that you can’t reach ooo. Some of you Kirk Franklin is your mentor, some of you it’s Travis Green, some of you it’s Sinach that’s your mentor. That’s not the kind of mentorship I am talking about. I am talking about someone that you have a relationship and access to. Somebody you can wake up by 2 am. I once woke up to a message from one of my mentees at 1:27 am and I replied. Fortunately she was online too and we ended up having class for two hours that night. That’s the kind of mentorship I am talking about. A mentor that can hold your hands, show you road, and pick up your calls anytime.

Build relationships with media personalities ( Radio and TV presenters ). Relationships will help your ministry, trust me. Don’t expect to build this relationships without commitment and some sacrifice. Service the relationships. Send alerts to them every now and then. You may not need to pay money to Promote your songs again. Great relationships don’t come easy. Kill the culture of wanting to get everything for free. You may not like this but you need to hear it.

Amachree Ikijana Alex (AIA)

Celebrity Music Coach
Music Content and Business Coach.

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