

SCHOOL OF MUSICI was working on a post that talks about music Promotion and why you must take it seriously, then I saw this post and this comment below.

According to the brother, you don’t have business promoting your songs because that’s the job of the Holy Spirit. I don’t even want to believe that there’s any artiste on my page here who has this mentality. If you still think like this, let me just say that it is well with your soul.

Be careful of what you accept as a doctrine for your life and career. Sometimes it is coming from people you have great respect and love for. Scrutinize what you hear, The fact that it was said by a big name, or someone you respect greatly or even your mentor doesn’t mean it is sound doctrine.

Your mentor can be wrong. Read that again slowly… Your dear mentor can be confidently wrong. If you don’t believe your mentor can be wrong, then you are in a bigger problem called “Men Worship”, it’s actually idolatry. Sometimes, your mentor is approaching a matter from his place and level and that approach may simply not work for where you are at the moment. Don’t just swallow it and use it for your own career. Know what works for you.

I don’t like to mention names but I will respectfully mention Uncle Nathaniel Bassey as one mentor many young artiste look up to and he unfortunately promoted this idea of the Holy Spirit promoting your songs for you. But sadly today, this same uncle does sponsored Promotion for his songs online on many platforms. Some of you are still there waiting for the Holy spirit to promote your song.

The Holy Spirit doesn’t promote anybody’s song. Ok that’s a hard line to swallow. And for religious minds, you probably wondering why I said that. If you say the Holy Spirit promotes your song, how come every song from all the gospel Artistes don’t blow? How come some artistes release one hit song and can’t release another hit after 10 years? Did the Holy Spirit stop Promoting their songs? I am a believer, I know what the Holy Spirit can do and will do in your career/ministry but sitting down doing nothing to get your songs out, waiting for the Holy Spirit to promote you is a sure recipe for failure.

One of the greatest messages I listened to that changed my life is that God will do nothing unless you take actions.

I come in peace on this one.

Amachree Ikijana Alex (AIA)

Celebrity Music Coach
Music Content, Influence and Business Coach.

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